Cruciferous vegetables lower blood pressure in adults with mildly elevated blood pressure in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial: the VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study
- Creator: Connolly, Emma L. , Liu, Alex H. , Parmenter, Benjamin H. , Bondonno, Nicola P. , Devine, Amanda , Croft, Kevin D. , Mithen, Richard , Gan, Seng Khee , Schultz, Carl J. , Woodman, Richard J. , Bondonno, Catherine P. , Lewis, Joshua R. , Radavelli-Bagatini, Simone , Hodgson, Jonathan M. , Blekkenhorst, Lauren C. , Shafaei, Armaghan , Boyce, Mary C. , Wood, Lisa G. , McCahon, Lyn , Koch, Henrietta , Sim, Marc , Hill, Caroline R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Impact of provision of abdominal aortic calcification results on fruit and vegetable intake: 12-week randomized phase 2 controlled trial
- Creator: Radavelli-Bagatini, Simone , Bondonno, Catherine P. , Zhu, Kun , Mullin, Shelby , Szulc, Pawel , Jackson, Ben , Dimmock, James , Schlaich, Markus P. , Cox, Kay L. , Kiel, Douglas P. , Lim, Wai H. , Stanley, Mandy , Dalla Via, Jack , Devine, Amanda , Thompson, PL , Williams, Evan J. , Wood, Lisa G. , Sim, M , Daly, RM , Hodgson, JM , Lewis, JR , Sim, Marc , Gebre, Abadi K. , Blekkenhorst, Lauren C. , Connolly, Emma L. , Bondonno, Nicola P. , Schousboe, John T. , Woodman, Richard J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Vegetable nitrate intakes are associated with reduced self-reported cardiovascular-related complications within a representative sample of middle-aged Australian women, prospectively followed up for 15 years
- Creator: Jackson, Jacklyn K. , Patterson, Amanda J. , Byles, Julie E. , McEvoy, Mark A. , MacDonald-Wicks, Lesley K. , Forder, Peta M. , Blekkenhorst, Lauren C. , Bondonno, Catherine P. , Hodgson, Jonathan M. , Ward, Natalie C. , Holder, Carl , Oldmeadow, Christopher
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Dietary nitrate and diet quality: an examination of changing dietary intakes within a representative sample of Australian women
- Creator: Jackson, Jacklyn K. , Patterson, Amanda J. , MacDonald-Wicks, Lesley K. , Bondonno, Catherine P. , Blekkenhorst, Lauren C. , Ward, Natalie C. , Hodgson, Jonathan M. , Byles, Julie E. , McEvoy, Mark A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Nitrate-rich vegetables do not lower blood pressure in individuals with mildly elevated blood pressure: a 4-wk randomized controlled crossover trial
- Creator: Blekkenhorst, Lauren C. , Lewis, Joshua R. , Woodman, Richard J. , Beilin, Lawrence J. , Hodgson, Jonathan M. , Prince, Richard L. , Devine, Amanda , Bondonno, Nicola P. , Bondonno, Catherine P. , Wood, Lisa G. , Puddey, Ian B. , Ward, Natalie C. , Croft, Kevin D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018